One of your most valuable assets when you retire is your pension plan. Knowing the terms of your pension plan can be critical to your financial health during retirement. SUN members, depending upon where they work and how long they have worked, may be enrolled in one or more pension plans. If you do not know which pension plan you are enrolled in, or need additional information, contact your payroll department in your facility.
Types of pension plans for SUN Members:
Saskatchewan Health Employees Pension Plan (SHEPP)
- SHEPP is a defined benefit plan, where your pension is determined by a formula based on your highest average contributory earnings and years of participation, or credited service.
- SUN members who work in facilities where the SUN/SAHO, SUN/Extendicare, or SUN/All Nations Healing Hospital collective agreements are in place will be members of this plan. (The exception will be those members that were hired by the Regina General Hospital prior to 1999 and those members that became SUN members in 1997 as a result of the Dorsey Commission decision.)
- Membership is mandatory if you work as a permanent full-time or permanent part-time employee of a SHEPP participating employer. If you are a non-permanent or casual employee, please review the SHEPP member booklet which can be found on the SHEPP website or contact their office directly.
- SHEPP has a service called SHEPP Web where members of the plan can obtain a PIN (Personal Identification Number) from SHEPP, and then use the SHEPP website to review their own pension accruals, and project future pension income based on their own plans to retire.
- For more information or to download the plan booklet for SUN members, visit:
Regina Civic Pension Plan (RCPP)
- The Regina Civic Employees’ Superannuation & Benefit Plan is a defined benefit pension plan. The Plan represents approximately 400 SUN members who were hired through the Regina General Hospital prior to 1999. Nurses hired after this date, if they meet the eligibility criteria, are now enrolled in SHEPP.
- As a defined benefit pension plan, the Regina Civic Employees’ Superannuation & Benefit Plan provides eligible members with a retirement income based on a formula that takes into account the member’s earning history and length of service in the Plan. Like many pension plans, the Regina Civic Pension Plan (RCPP) is facing a funding shortfall; plan changes may be required. Watch the RCPP and SUN’s web page for updates on this issue.
- For more information: Phone: 306-777-7402 or visit
Canadian Blood Services (CBS)
- SUN members working at CBS as regular full-time employees, join the plan after completion of three months of continuous service. Enrollment becomes mandatory after you complete two years of continuous service. (Eligibility criteria for other classifications of CBS employees can be found on CBS’s website.)
- For questions about the Canadian Blood Services Defined Benefit (DB) Pension Plan, contact Morneau Shepell Ltd.:
- Canadian Blood Services Defined Benefit Pension Administration
c/o Morneau Shepell Ltd
895 Don Mills Road, Suite 700
One Morneau Shepell Ltd Centre
Toronto, Ontario M3C 1W3
Phone: 877-252-4442
Fax: 416-445-0588
Web Page:
- Canadian Blood Services Defined Benefit Pension Administration
Public Employees Pension Plan (PEPP)
- A small number of SUN members who came to SUN from other unions (Dorsey Decision, 1997) remain enrolled in PEPP. PEPP is governed by The Public Employees Pension Plan Act and Regulations and is administered by Plannera Pensions & Benefits.
- For more information contact:
- Public Employees Pension Plan
110 - 1801 Hamilton Street
Phone: 306-787-5442 Toll Free: 877-275-7377
Fax: 1-306-787-0244
- Public Employees Pension Plan