Rooted in a foundation of transparency, accountability, respect and open communication, the Joint Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) process is designed to take a proactive and collaborative approach to concerns regarding patient safety and safe nursing practice.
Through the Joint NAC process, the parties focus on setting goals and parameters moving forward in a timely, positive and productive manner. A key tool for success built into the process, is the ability for registered nurses and nursing managers to engage in low-level discussions and two-way communications to resolve issues in realtime.
The Local NAC Chair is the local expert on completing Work Situation Reports (WSRs) and the NAC process, providing ‘just in time’ education and guiding members to identify recommendations and find solutions to their professional practice concerns.
The following information and resources have been developed to streamline and strengthen SUN’s NAC process, and help Local NAC Chairs understand and navigate their roles representing member concerns.
Role of the Local NAC Chair
The role the Local NAC Chair includes but is not limited to:
- Ensure members have access to Work Situation Report (WSR) forms - both paper copies and/or the online WSR.
- Ensure members utilize low-level resolution to address issues.
- Provide an original copy of WSR to SUN Provincial in a timely manner for issues and data to be captured and monitored.
- Conduct follow-up investigations to collect facts and details to further inform the issue, and support resolving the issue at a Joint NAC meeting.
- Consult with Nurse Practice Officer (NPO) at SUN Provincial, as needed, to determine the best course of action.
- Co-Chair Joint NAC meetings with Employer designate (See Appendix IV for tips on co-chairing a meeting).
- Ensure an action plan has been documented and completed to reach a timely resolution.
- Update Local President/Executive on NAC activity – they may be able to provide additional information, guidance or assistance in addressing issues.
- Update the member who has completed a WSR and provide a rationale for status and progress through the NAC.
- Refer WSRs/issues to NPO when the process has been exhausted or issues are of a significant or critical nature.
- Present issues to the Executive Oversight Committee or Saskatchewan Health Authority Board of Directors.
- Assist the NPO, when and where required, in preparation of an Independent Assessment Committee (IAC) presentation.
Local NAC Chair Tool Kit
- Local NAC Chair Tool Kit (February 2025)
- SUN NAC Process (Flow Chart) (February 2021)
- Work Situation Report (WSR) Investigation Sheet (February 2021)
- Local Escalation Referral Checklist (February 2025)
To order copies of the above resources, please complete and submit a SUN Publications Order Form.
NAC Resources for Supporting Members
- Algorithm Chart for Joint NAC Process (Appendix B of the SUN/SAHO Collective Agreement)
- How to Complete a WSR (best printed on 8.5" x 14" legal-size paper)
- SAMPLE Work Situation Report (WSR) Form
- Steps in the Problem Solving Process
- What is Trending? How Do We Recognize It?
- Professional Practice Workload Examples (2021)
To order copies of the above resources, please complete and submit a SUN Publications Order Form.
Executive Oversight Committee
It is important to recognize that not all issues will be settled through low-level resolution. At times, the Joint Nursing Advisory Committee will unsuccessfully exhaust all available options in their work to resolve issues concerning patient safety or safe nursing practice.
The Executive Oversight Committee exists to provide senior-level support and oversight to Joint Nursing Advisory Committees. The Executive Oversight Committee provides guidance on the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the Joint NAC process. In addition, the Executive Oversight Committee helps remove barriers to success.
There are three main reasons an issue is forwarded to the Executive Oversight Committee:
- A trending issue;
- The Joint NAC has exhausted all other options; and,
- Through the Joint NAC, the parties disagree on how to resolve an issue.
When referring an item to the Executive Oversight Committee, it is recommended the parties submit a joint referral in writing, which includes:
- Identification and analysis of the issue in the form of a Situation-Background-Assessment-Recommendations Tool (SBAR);
- One recommendation from each party for resolution; and,
- The SBAR, supporting materials, information, data, etc., for review.
If the Executive Oversight Committee doesn't recommend a suitable solution, or finding a resolution is beyond the scope of the Executive Oversight Committee then the issue can be referred to the Board of the Employer (Health Region) by either party.
If you believe that you are unable to find resolution at the Nursing Advisory Committee level for an issue(s), please contact your Nurse Practice Officer for assistance and consultation regarding the Exceutive Oversight Committee.
Please refer to the Executive Oversight Committee Terms of Reference, for additional information on preparing a referral to the Committee.
Independent Assessment Committee
Under Article 57.14 of the SUN/SAHO Collective Agreement, SUN retains the ability to advance any items related to workload to an Independent Assessment Committee. A referral to an Independent Assessment Committee will be made when SUN Provincial believes that the reply from the Board of the Employer is unsatisfactory.