Position Statement: Lori Powell

Saskatoon Base Hospitals Representative Candidate ~ Lori Powell

I, Lori Powell, am seeking your support to be re-elected as your Saskatoon Base Hospital Representative. Currently I hold a full-time position as Vice President of Local 75. I have been active within Local 75 in a variety of executive positions over the past eight years and have proudly been your Saskatoon Base Hospital Representative for over five years. My passion and commitment to SUN members is evident in all I do. I have enjoyed connecting and meeting with members by attending local and annual meetings at all three sites, hosting member engagements, and providing support through calls and emails. Keeping members informed through regular email updates, listening to concerns, and advocating for members at a variety of tables remains my priority. I have had successes with improved parking and workplace safety this past year and will continue to advocate for further improvements. I proudly and passionately represent the views of SCH, SPH and RUH members at the board table and I value the responsibility we have to positively impact all SUN members.  I am truly fortunate to have the privilege of representing my peers. I am a proud Registered Nurse, a strong vocal advocate, and a leader for positive change. I commit to continuing to put forth the needed time and dedication required to succeed in this role. It would be an honour to remain your Saskatoon Base Hospital Representative and I thank you for your support and your vote.