• Addressing AIMS and Health System challenges

    What SUN is doing, and what you can do

  • Make Your Voice Heard - Make Your Voice Count

    Find out how you can influence changes to healthcare this upcoming provincial election

President's Message
President's Message

President's Message

President's Message: Looking ahead on Labour Day


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AIMS and Health System challenges – What SUN is doing, and what you can do

It's hard to keep track of everything when it feels like the world is crumbling around you. SUN members are experiencing unimaginable pressures in workplaces…

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President's Message: A new way to share your voice with us

As the Saskatchewan healthcare system is stretched to its limit, many members are seeking help. Beds lining the hallways, overflowing waiting rooms and rural…

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Make Your Voice Heard - Make Your Voice Count

Safe Staffing Gets My Vote SUN members have a number of ways to have influence on priority issues. Connecting with your elected representative is one of the most effective. Members of the…

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SUN Membership

SUN Membership

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Making The Difference

The Power to Make a DIfference

Registered nurses are on the frontline of the most significant health and social challenges impacting our communities. Watch the docuseries to learn more.


Registered Nurses