What’s terrifying is that this is just the tiniest snapshot of the countless unsafe situations unfolding every day.
When I say that time is not on our side, this is what I mean. I am sure many are wondering: “why now?” Registered nurses have been calling for a task force for more than a year.
If I were to speculate, I’d wager it has everything to do with registered nurses – all of you, SUN’s members, finding your power and voice. By loudly advocating for your patients and refusing to backdown you have brought Saskatchewan’s nursing crisis and system woes out into the open.
You have let patients and families know that you will never be silent when it comes to their safety.
The promise of a task force is now finally on the table, but as I have been saying, it needs to have teeth. It cannot just be a consultation.
It must be inclusive of all nursing stakeholders from unions, regulatory bodies and education to government and the SHA. It needs established targets and timelines. And it needs the funding and the people to get things done.
We did it with the 2008 SUN-Government Partnership. We can do it again.
Registered nurses are ready to get to work today. SUN is ready.
Finally, to all of you, Saskatchewan’s 11,000 registered nurses, I ask only this: keep using your power, raising your voices, and sharing your stories because each time you do, it moves the needle just a little closer towards solving this nursing crisis.
Share your front-line stories with us at YourVoice@sun-nurses.sk.ca