
Make Your Voice Heard - Make Your Voice Count

Safe Staffing Gets My Vote SUN members have a number of ways to have influence on priority issues. Connecting with your elected representative is one of the most effective. Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are starting to campaign in advance of the October 28th provincial election. Throughout the summer, your MLA will be particularly eager to speak with you – their…

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Thank you and Happy National Nursing Week

The theme for this year’s National Nursing Week is Changing Lives. Shaping Tomorrow. Pretty fitting, don’t you think? I certainly think so. Being a registered nurse is one of the most rewarding, yet challenging, careers imaginable. No two days are the same and some are tougher than others. But many of the stories and experiences we gain throughout our careers, we remember for the…

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SUN in the media

It’s been a whirlwind start to 2024, so here’ a quick “in case you missed it” of SUN in the media. I know it feels like the news only focuses on emergency rooms (ER) in Saskatoon and Regina. Yes, this is often the case. In the past, I have described these overburdened ERs as the “canaries in the coalmine”.  They are the flashpoints where…

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It's time for grassroots engagement

Registered nurses are unique and so is our Union.   No matter the personal reasons why any of us chose to become registered nurses in the first place, there will always be a common thread that binds us. Our deep-rooted desire to improve the lives of our patients and to make a difference, is what makes our profession stand out.   The problem right now is that this commitment to our…

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Truth and Reconciliation and what it can mean to registered nurses

On September 30, all Canadians recognize the horrifying reality of the residential school system and remember that the legacy of this brutality endures for First Nations, Inuit, and Metis people throughout the country. The trauma is pervasive and lasting.   Like all Canadians, registered nurses must make the personal decision to actively participate in reconciliation – at work…

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