On November 3, 2022, the Government of Saskatchewan introduced the following amendments to the Saskatchewan Employment Act as Bill No. 91:

  • Clarification of the definition of a worker to include secondary and post-secondary students, as well as volunteers and contractors, so that they are covered by the provisions in Part III of the Act.
  • Requiring all employers to have a violence policy and to investigate incidents of violence and harassment in the workplace.
  • Clarification of the work and authority of occupational health officers to take photos and recordings during workplace inspections.
  • Authorization of officers to exclude nominees from investigation interviews so the process is not influenced by third parties and workers are not led to believe that they are represented by a nominee who does not have the workers’ best interest in mind.
  • Housekeeping and general amendments necessary to keep the legislation relevant and aligned with other legislative requirements.

A copy of Bill 91 is available at http://docs.legassembly.sk.ca/legdocs/Bills/29L3S/Bill29-91.pdf