[MEDIA RELEASE] The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions joined striking Ontario Nurses’
Association members on the picket lines in a show of solidarity. Leaders from nurses unions across the
country stood with striking nurses in demanding a fair settlement from the Ontario government.
Walking the picket lines outside the Perth and Smith Falls District Hospital were leaders from nurses
unions from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, New
Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, alongside the Ontario Nurses’ Association and the Canadian
Federation of Nurses Unions.
CFNU President, Linda Silas, proud to stand in frigid weather with the striking nurses in Smiths Falls
Ontario, said: “These nurses are the essential link between our acute care sector and patients receiving
necessary care at home.“ Silas said: “Home care and community care must not be treated as the poor
cousin in our health care system. “
Almost 3,000 Ontario Community Care Acce
ss Centre (CCAC) health professionals have been forced onto
the picket lines demanding fair treatment, and the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions supports their
fight for fairness.
The Ontario Nurses’ Association is a member organization of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions.
The Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions represents almost 200,000 frontline nurses.
For more information:
Anil Naidoo, CFNU GR