[April 5, 2023] Your Board of Directors is pleased to once again provide funding for 100 SUN members to attend the virtual annual meeting of the CRNS on May 3, 2023. The meeting begins at 13:00 and ends at 15:15.

CRNS Virtual AGM Agenda on May 3, 2023

Funding Details

Funding to attend the CRNS Virtual Annual Meeting is reserved for 100 RN and NP SUN members and will be limited to a $150 stipend for May 3. NOTE: SUN Provincial will not cover lost wages, leaves of absence, or paid union leaves.

Application for Provincial Funding

Funding will be allocated by random draw to 100 RN and/or NP members

Click here to enter the random draw

To be eligible for funding for the CRNS Virtual Annual Meeting, you must complete the online application form by 12:00 on April 19, 2023Successful applicants will be notified via email on April 21, 2023. 

NOTE: Applying for funding does not register you to attend the CRNS Annual Meeting

Registration For Event Required

Members are responsible for registering for the CRNS Virtual Annual Meeting. Please register for the event through the CRNS by clicking here to register for the CRNS Virtual Annual Meeting.
There is no registration fee required.