REGINA — The provincial government has released a discussion paper on the regulations related to its new labour legislation and is seeking feedback.

The government passed the Saskatchewan Employment Act in the spring, consolidating 12 pieces of legislation — but the related regulations still need to be developed.

“We’re satisfied with where the act is and now we want to put the detail on it by way of the regulations,” Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety Don Morgan told reporters in Regina on Tuesday.

Morgan says the regulations on which the government is seeking feedback include those related to minimum wage indexation, labour standards such as hours of work and union disclosure.

Morgan says he expects to see some parts of the employment act legislation proclaimed yet this year, with more to follow in 2014. He also says he isn’t concerned with the time spent working on the regulations.

“We indicated early on in the process that we were consolidating a lot of different pieces of legislation and that would make the regulations have to get consolidated as well. It’s a fairly technical piece of work, but from a point of policy, and a point of reviewing the decisions that are made, I’ve got confidence in the processes that are there,” he said, pointing to previous consultations, including with unions, and ongoing work with his advisory committee.

Regulations related to occupational health and safety are particularly complex and technical and those are expected to be addressed after those related to employment standards and labour relations.

Morgan also suggested that changes to minimum wage could happen in advance of the legislation coming into force, as the government is currently looking at minimum wage numbers countrywide.

The minister also said he is “guessing that we will introduce legislation this fall on essential services” that would be passed in the spring.

The discussion paper on the regulations is on the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety’s website and the ministry will accept feedback on it until Sept. 27.

In a press release Tuesday, the president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, Larry Hubich, said “there are number of profound flaws” with the Saskatchewan Employment Act as it is.

“Working people across the province have spoken resoundingly against the proclamation of Bill 85 because of the negative consequences that it could have for Saskatchewan people and businesses alike. Instead of launching into another brief ‘consultation’ process on the SEA’s regulations, the government ought to be fixing the fundamental problems with the legislation,” Hubich said.


The government has posted a discussion paper which can be found on the Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety’s website. Stakeholders and interested parties may provide their feedback in writing to:

Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety
300 - 1870 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 4W1

Or submit electronically to:

To view the discussion paper, visit