In response to Saskatchewan Registered Nurse Association (SRNA) Nursing Practice Advisor concerns that nurse educators are being asked to provide education to not only registered nurses but also other health care providers, a letter has been sent to all Nurse Educators and Managers in the province from SRNA Executive Director, Karen Eisler.
In the letter, Eisler points out that educators have “the professional responsibility and accountability to provide learners with evidence informed education that provides the appropriate knowledge, skill and judgment for the health care professional to safely perform the practice”.
Eisler goes on to emphasize the significance and importance of the foundational knowledge different health care professionals possess, stressing that: “ongoing education must build upon the foundational competencies that an individual possesses thus ensuring safe competent client care. If one does not possess the foundational competencies, one does not have the breadth and depth of knowledge, nor the critical thinking required and the outcome of the education becomes learning to complete a “task”. This is not in the best interest of patient safety.”
The role managers must play in supporting nurse educators is also outlined in the letter, where Eisler states that managers must ensure that “the health care professionals that they supervise receive appropriate client assignment and continuing education appropriate to their foundational competencies and scope of practice”.
Finally, educators and mangers are alerted to the fact that the Saskatchewan Association of Licensed Practical Nurses (SALPN) and the government are currently working to revise SALPN’s regulatory bylaws.
Members are asked to please contact the SRNA to speak to a Practice Advisor for assistance if you are being asked to do any of this education work.
To read the full letter CLICK HERE