On Remembrance Day, we honour the men and women who served and sacrificed so much, leaving their families, friends and communities, to fight for our freedom – for a better life for all of us. 

Nurses were the first women in the Canadian military. 

It was in 1885 when Canada’s Nursing Sisters first took to the field, providing care to the Canadian troops sent to the North-West Rebellion. From this time onwards, Nursing Sisters joined every Canadian military force. Although the nurses in Canada’s military are no longer referred to as Nursing Sisters, their contributions continue in present-day’s Canadian Armed Forces. 

The dedication of Canada’s military nurses have earned them a very high reputation among the troops who they have served alongside and cared for. 

At 11 a.m. on November 11, please stand in silence for one minute in memory of all who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom and for those that continue in service to our country.

The True North strong and free.

WATCH: Heritage Minutes: Nursing Sisters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00n67k-f7Yw

Photo Credits: Canadian War Museum (https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/history/people/in-uniform/nurses/)