REGINA -- Saskatchewan residents aren’t allowed to gather in groups of more than 10 people, even if physical distancing is maintained properly.

The province said it’s aware of recent events in the province where organizers though they could go ahead as long as people could stay two metres apart. However, the province says group events aren’t allowed and gatherings with more than 10 people violate the public health order.

The province says residents should only meet with a maximum of 10 other people within an extended household group and maintain two metres of physical distancing.

People in Saskatchewan are allowed to build “virtual households” with one or two other households, but the province says those groups must stay consistent.

Health officials say you should also be aware of who you’ve spent time within the last two weeks, since those people would need to be contacted by public health if you test positive for COVID-19.

Anyone experiencing a fever, cough or shortness of breath should contact HealthLine 811 or take the self-assessment tool to determine if they need to take a COVID-19 test.