In 2019 the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) completed a review of SUN members stat banks and discovered that in some former Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) there had been insufficient checks and balances in place, for a number of years, and some SUN members had not worked the required 8-hour shift per year when no stat holiday feel on that 8-hour shift.  This meant that some SUN members had taken more stat-off hours than accrued, leaving those employees with a negative stat balance.   
After much discussion, an agreement has been reached between SUN and the SHA on a process for the correction of the existing negative stat banks and ensuring the problem does not arise again in the future.   
This agreement ensured all SUN members who had negative stat bank balances have their stat banks be brought to zero (0) without any need for repayment as of January 1, 2019.   
For the period January 1, 2019, to January 6, 2021, if SUN members have a negative stat bank balance the Employer will provide members with the following repayment/reconciliation options which include the choice of:
  1. Repayment in full or over time;
  2. Applying vacation or TIL time to correct the negative stat balance; or
  3. Arranging to work a scheduled stat off (or part of) to correct the negative stat balance
SUN has been advised that approximately fifty (50) SUN members will be receiving letters advising them of the above.  The letter will also provide an option for a meeting to be arranged with you, and your SUN representative if you wish, at which the SHA would explain how the negative stat balance was calculated. 
Finally, the SHA has committed to conducting at least annual (and perhaps twice a year) reviews and contacting any employees in a negative stat balance in order to avoid running into this situation again in the future. 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to your Employment Relations Officer (ERO).  

Contact SUN Provincial @

Regina                                                           Saskatoon
1-800-667-7060                                            1-800-667-3294