Murray Mandryk, Regina Leader-Post

Puiblished: December 9, 2015

To be fair to the lean process, it truly is hard to measure its more nebulous contributions.

Consider its application to health-care delivery in Saskatchewan — the first jurisdiction anywhere to engage in a robust system-wide use of the program.

Even if one can measure time or dollars, can one truly measure the value of a life saved?

There again, can one truly say if  life-saving measures were the result of systemic lean changes, or the conscientious efforts of professional health-care providers?

This is a puzzle that has plagued the Saskatchewan Party government since it adopted its $40-million-plus John Black and Associates lean training program, which followed the more organic “Time to Care” lean process, which was more about input from nurses and other frontline providers.

Of course, lean can and should be about both the dollars saved and other things not as easily measured.

Lean is mandated to create a culture of ongoing improvement  — a phrase repeated numerous times in the lean mission statement contained in Vol. 2 of Provincial Auditor Judy Ferguson’s 2015 report, released Tuesday.

As such, certain elements of the lean philosophy are now ingrained in health-care delivery, as witnessed in the 3SHealth procurement program in which $221 million worth of goods and services were bulk purchased in 2014-15. Notwithstanding the auditor’s concerns about a better approval process, “validation of reasonableness” and better confirmation of conflict of interest, it’s one lean idea that appears to be  working.

However, if lean is also about such accountability in health, it would seem troubling that the auditor only considered four of the 11 regional annual audits “reliable” because the regional health authorities do not follow generally accepted accounting practices, including the proper booking of capital projects within district budgets.

Lean is a tool and the value of such a tool is to cite measured successes in one form or the other. Surely, the Sask. Party understands this, given that it’s repeatedly pointed to millions saved on stored blood purchases — an idea from Time to Care staff suggestions long before the arrival of JBA’s Japanese senseis.

In fact, savings in other government areas involving procurements should be even easier to identify. The problem, however, is Ferguson’s report offered no indication that lean is working better anywhere else in the other 19 ministries and agencies where it is now being applied.

According to the auditor, the government spent nearly $2.3 million in lean training and activities outside health in 2014-15, involving 13 full-time lean positions (we also have a Ministry of Lean with a deputy minister) and nearly 5,000 days of training costing taxpayers almost a million dollars (which does not include the lost productivity of staff being away from their jobs).

While surveys showed lean “leaders” or “champions” demonstrating overwhelming support for roles and responsibilities related to lean and understanding of purpose and commitment, Ferguson contends there should have been nothing short of 100 per cent commitment from the leadership team.

Worse yet, basic measures consistently failed to “provide a basis to measure whether the use of lean is providing better service and creating a culture of continuous improvement” or “demonstrating a return on investment,” the auditor stated in her report.

No measuring of lean success? There really is no escaping such criticism.

“The Sask. Party drank the John Black lean Kool-Aid, and now there isn’t a lean program cheque it won’t sign — despite the fact that, apparently, they don’t know what they’re getting for the money,” NDP critic Warren McCall said in a news release.

One might expect this from an opposition — especially in the run up to the April 4 provincial election. However,  even lean advocates were humbled by Ferguson’s criticism.

Kent Campbell, deputy minister for the lean initiative, had less problem with 10 per cent of the lean leadership not quite buying into the program, but acknowledged the auditor had a point when she suggested there simply have to be better measures of successes, costs and value for money.

After all, how can there be “ongoing improvement” if one can’t even measure the successes lean supposedly had?

Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.
