This past Monday SUN members were made aware of the Government’s decision to lift the pause on abolishment, replacement and vacancy management of registered nurse positions. As you know, this pause was a directive from the Minister of Health in response to patient safety concerns raised in reports by you, our members. These concerns, along with data such as rising provincial critical incident numbers, were sufficient impetus for the Minister to initiate the pause and direct RHAs to participate in a review of patient safety data.
The Minister of Health’s recent comments to the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, March 6, 2014, during Question Period may be misconstrued by both SUN members and the public. The Minister indicated that SUN had requested specific information of the RHAs and that this had been provided. As your president, I feel it is my responsibility to clarify this was not the case.
The facts:
- On February 18, 2014 the Ministry of Health requested RHAs share 2 outcome indicators (falls and medication errors) for the past 2 years (2012/13).
- This information was jointly agreed upon and requested by the Ministry of Health and SUN.
- Only 4 RHAs complied with this request in full. The results indicated areas of concern. The Ministry nevertheless took the decision to discontinue the data review and end the pause.
- SUN firmly maintains informed health transformation decisions cannot be properly and safely implemented without a clear and consistent provincial picture, across all RHAs, of what patient safety truly looks like today.
- This is why all parties originally committed to this review.
I assure you we will continue to advocate for patient safety on behalf of SUN members and the patients and families you care for.
In solidarity
Tracy Zambory, RN
President, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses