SUN maintains its position that the collective bargaining agreement contains ample provisions to provide needed flexibility of staffing, provided the provisions are applied in connection with a service slowdown.

SUN is scheduled to discuss managing human health resource demands and the SHA's plans for service slowdown and has been in frequent communication with the SHA regarding the need for service slowdown leading up to today's announcement. 
To SUN’s surprise, the premier announced this morning that unless health care unions and the SHA enter into an agreement that allows for labour mobility effective Monday, September 13, the Government of Saskatchewan is prepared to “sign another Provincial Emergency Order to reactivate previous provisions that enabled emergency labour mobility."

The media release states: 

Expanding Health System Labour Mobility

The Government of Saskatchewan is supporting the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) in reaching a renewed agreement with health care provider unions to provide greater flexibility in scheduling and placing health care workers in areas experiencing surges in capacity pressures. 

Prior to summer 2021, the SHA and health sector unions had agreed to a Letter of Understanding (LOU) that allowed for labour mobility. This LOU expired when the State of Emergency was lifted.  

While discussions with health care provider unions continue, if the SHA and unions cannot reach an agreement by Monday, September 13, the Government of Saskatchewan is prepared to sign another Provincial Emergency Order to reactivate the previous provisions that enabled emergency labour mobility.

Be assured SUN is continuing to work to protect the rights of SUN members and ensure members are supported to provide safe patient care. 

Contact SUN Provincial @

Regina                                                           Saskatoon
1-800-667-7060                                            1-800-667-3294                 