Your Board of Directors is pleased to provide funding for 25 SUN members to attend the virtual annual meeting of the RPNAS on May 11, 2023, from 09:00 to 12:00.
Funding Details
Funding to attend the RPNAS Annual Meeting is reserved for SUN members registered with the RPNAS and will be limited to a $150 stipend for May 11.
NOTE: SUN Provincial will not cover lost wages, leaves of absence or paid union leaves.
Funding will be allocated by random draw to 25 RPN SUN members.
To be eligible for funding for the RPNAS Annual Meeting on May 11, you must complete the online application form by 12:00 on April 27, 2023.
Click here to apply for funding
Registration For Event Required
Completing this application for funding does not include registration for the RPNAS Virtual Annual Meeting.
Registration opens the week of April 25, 2023 -- watch for an email from RPNAS.
There is no registration fee required for this event.