April 30, 2014, Yorkton, Saskatchewan: The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) opened its 40th Annual Meeting in Yorkton this morning with close to 400 registered nurse delegates and guests in attendance. 

The three-day event will celebrate 40 years of SUN being a leading voice for registered nurses in the province, by recognizing past accomplishments and examining some of the current health care and societal challenges Saskatchewan people face today.

“40 years is a major milestone and registered nurses have certainly achieved a lot together in the past four decades,” says SUN President, Tracy Zambory. “SUN has been instrumental in not only improving the work lives of registered nurses, but also in giving them a voice to be advocates for better, safer patient care in our province.”  

Since its birth on January 19, 1974, SUN has fought hard for workplace equality, the registered nursing profession and for making improvements to the safety and quality of health care in Saskatchewan.  Over the years, SUN’s members have promoted healthy, strong communities across the province; consistently defended publicly funded and publicly accessible healthcare; fought for safe registered nursing staff levels; and tirelessly advocated for Saskatchewan’s patients and families.

“SUN’s strong and proud history is testament to the fact that registered nurses have always been, and will continue to be, a powerful force for change,” continues Zambory.

On Wednesday morning, April 30, 2014, SUN will premiere a short film celebrating its first 40 years.

“This film honours SUN’s history and ensures it will live on for future generations of registered nurses in Saskatchewan,” notes Zambory. “If we forget our past and the journey that led us to where we are today, we won’t have a future, and we’re not about to let that happen.”

SUN represents almost 9,000 Registered Nurses (RNs), Registered Psychiatric Nurses (RPNs), Registered Nurse(Nurse Practitioner)s (RN(NP)s) and graduates in the province.

SUN is one of Saskatchewan’s largest unions and is affiliated provincially with the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour (SFL), representing over 100,000 unionized workers in Saskatchewan, and nationally with the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU), representing 156,000 nurses and student nurses across Canada.



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Lars Murran, Public Relations Officer

Office: 306-566-5582                   Cell: 306-526-9175                        Lars.murran@sun-nurses.sk.ca