The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses is proud to support the Global Day of Action on September 17.
This Day of Action will draw attention to and step up the fight against the devastating effects of austerity measures that are putting millions of people around the world at risk. Our patients and communities need more caring, not cuts!
The Global Nurses United -- a new network of unionized nurses in which the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions is a member -- is spearheading the Global Day of Action. Through social media and rallys, nurses across the world will advocate for social justice.
You, too, can be a part of this initiative.
Share this web page on your Facebook and Twitter accounts.
Tweet on September 17 about this - be sure to use the hashtags #globalnurses #s17
Learn More
Global Nurses United
Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions
Global Day of Action Poster
Global Day of Action Social Media Tips