[Global Regina] The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses is raising concerns about patient care as jobs are cut in the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region.
The union says 20 employees are losing their jobs, including 11 registered nurses and the majority are registered psychiatric nurses.
A memo provided to nurses by the health region specifically says a review found the mental health services unit at Regina General Hospital had too many positions and it said operating this way is not sustainable.
Health region president and CEO Keith Dewar said Sept. 16 that the region would be taking steps to better align staff resources with patient care as it tackles budget issues.
The union has also said 12 RNs will be losing their jobs as the Saskatoon Health Region cuts 70 positions in an attempt to balance its budget.
SUN president Tracy Zambory said reducing the numbers of registered nurses who provide direct patient care is not a long-term solution to addressing health care challenges.
Published: September 28, 2016
Source: Global Regina http://globalnews.ca/news/2969774/union-says-20-nursing-jobs-cut-in-regina-as-health-region-faces-budget-woes/