To better understand University of Regina political science professor Tom McIntosh’s severe apprehension about this province allowing private MRIs, perhaps it’s necessary to understand his historical view.
Back in 2002, when he was serving as a key researcher for former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow’s Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, McIntosh was one of the few voices opposing this province referring Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) clients to private MRI clinics in Alberta. He saw it as an affront to the principles of medicare.
“So you hurt your knee at work. Is your knee more important than my knee?” McIntosh asked in an interview Monday.
But for as fiery a defender of medicare as he is, the head of the U of R political science department does not prescribe to the partisan rhetoric that Premier Brad Wall’s Saskatchewan Party government is hell-bent on destroying public health care.
McIntosh even goes as far as suggesting Health Minister Dustin Duncan’s two-for-one policy for private MRIs — an attempt to clear waiting list backlogs by allowing a person to privately pay for an MRI at such a cost that it allows private clinics to provide a second MRI at no charge for someone on the public waiting list — is well-intentioned.
However, McIntosh suggests this may be another case of the road to hell being paved with good intentions.
“There are consequences to all of this you have to think through,” he said.
The problem begins with the basic concept, McIntosh said. “If you have two people, both of whom are scheduled for surgery and one of whom now has a private MRI, he will get that surgery quicker.”
He added that the Canadian Institute for Health Initiatives has examined the data and concluded that private MRI clinics in other provinces did not reduce surgical wait times.
One problem with McIntosh’s argument is that Duncan is proposing something different — a plan that will see private clinics also contribute to reducing public waits for MRIs because of the two-for-one scan structure.
Moreover, a privately obtained MRI does not automatically equate to an early surgical date. The results coming back from private MRIs might even confirm what doctors were already telling their patients — that they don’t need surgery, that medication or physiotherapy are better options and that there was no reason for the patients to try and jump the queue by rushing out and paying for their own diagnostics.
It is here where McIntosh said the Sask. Party government is not looking at the bigger picture.
He argues the public health-care system does not just start at the operating room door and that MRIs, CTs and other diagnostics should be seen as a continuum of care. He argues that doctors don’t want to be gatekeepers and certainly won’t be saying “no” to patients with private MRIs in hand and demanding surgery.
Besides, now private diagnostics are permitted, those who can afford them will eventually be demanding the option of private surgeries, McIntosh said.
But even if the government does hold steadfast to the argument that the surgical wait list is the line in the sand for public health care, there is the question of how that public system will be impacted by the increased demands private MRIs will create.
Radiologists who rightly think they can make more money in their own clinics will rob the public system of their talents, McIntosh said, noting the government must clarify whether radiologists can work in both systems.
Certainly, the Sask. Party government isn’t so far addressing such unintended consequences, like the increased demands this private MRI policy would surely create for increased surgeries, physiotherapies, etc.
At the very least, the government should have waited for more definitive results from its private MRI pilot initiatives in Regina, McIntosh said.
But like most governments, the Sask. Party seems focused on quick fixes like lean. It is not seeing the public health-care system for the complicated, integrated entity it is, he said.
McIntosh’s last point is one with which most can agree.
- Murray Mandryk
Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.
Published: Regina Leader Post, July 6, 2016