
December 1st is World AIDS Day

Saskatchewan has the highest rate of HIV in Canada, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Addictions and HIV go hand-in-hand. Injection drug use is the largest driver of HIV infection in our province. Combatting stigma, exploring and expanding harm reduction solutions to keep communities safe, and encouraging everyone to know their status through regular, routine HIV testing, are central…

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'We've gone backward': Families say urgent psychiatric care not a priority in Sask.

By Jason Warick, CBC Saskatchewan Daniel Fontaine hadn't slept in three days, his mania and paranoia spiraling ever faster as he paced around his parents' Saskatoon home. "I felt everyone was watching me. I was convinced my phone, my computer were spying on me. I thought someone was coming to hurt my family," Fontaine, 34, said of the incident, which happened last month.…

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Regina police to arm all front-line officers with naloxone: chief

REGINA — The police chief in Regina says a policy shift is coming that will see more officers carrying the life-saving antidote naloxone Evan Bray says all front-line officers are to be equipped next year with naloxone, which can reverse or block the effects of an opioid overdose. Bray says the force initially only provided Narcan, the nasal spray version of naloxone, to people in…

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Whistleblower protections to expand to SHA employees after memo leak

Saskatchewan Union of Nurses president Tracy Zambory says the memo speaks to a greater issue of practitioners being "afraid to speak out." The government will move Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) employees to the list of those protected by provincial whistleblower law following the leak of a memorandum raising concerns about the organization’s transparency. Health…

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Information Mailout

Inside: Call for Leadership Award Nominations View mailout

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