
Nurse practitioners 'grossly underutilized,' Alberta group tells province

Alberta's nurse practitioners say many new graduates are not finding jobs and they want a new funding model to address the situation. Nurse practitioners (NPs) have more training than RNs, allowing them to diagnose, order tests and prescribe drugs. Their services cost the province less than the same procedures billed to Alberta Health by doctors. But the president of the Alberta…

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Use of private MRIs in Saskatchewan must be justifiable

To better understand University of Regina political science professor Tom McIntosh’s severe apprehension about this province allowing private MRIs, perhaps it’s necessary to understand his historical view. Back in 2002, when he was serving as a key researcher for former Saskatchewan premier Roy Romanow’s Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, McIntosh was…

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SUNSpots Vol. 42 - Issue #2

SUNSpots Vol. 42 - Issue #2

SUNSpots is the official newsletter of the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses informing SUN members and external stakeholders of issues concerning the nursing profession and the health care system locally, provincially and nationally. View Publication

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Ottawa favours targeted health-care spending over increased transfer to provinces

Provinces say rising costs, aging population demand a boost to health-care transfer. The federal health minister says she is unconvinced that putting more money into the federal health transfer to the provinces is the best way to improve the health-care system. Jane Philpott and her provincial counterparts are in the midst of negotiations for a new multi-year health accord. The…

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CPP changes find surprising consensus in Saskatchewan

News that Saskatchewan and other provinces have come to a tentative agreement to improve — at a cost— the Canada Pension Plan has created some strange bedfellows. Larry Hubich, president of the Saskatchewan Federation of Labour, noted approvingly that the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce had spoken well of the plan. Meanwhile, Steve McLellan, CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber…

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