
SUN Member 103rd Grey Cup Sweepstakes

It’s Grey Cup Season and SUN members once again stand a chance to win an all-expenses paid trip for two to watch the game live in Winnipeg! Simply visit the SUN Facebook page, like us, and fill in the entry form.  ** Prize includes: Two tickets to the 2015 Grey Cup game in Winnipeg, return airfare for two & three-nights-accommodation for two at the Fort Gary Havard…

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Saskatchewan will not end ER wait times by 2017

Saskatchewan Health Minister Dustin Duncan said a pledge the provincial government made in 2012 to end emergency room wait times in Saskatchewan hospitals won't be kept. The admission comes after questions from the NDP opposition on Tuesday, which marked the first day of the fall sitting at the Saskatchewan Legislature. It will be the last one before the provincial election in…

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Summer is officially over

  Summer is officially over. It’s time to get back into the swing of things after what I hope was a restful and enjoyable time for everyone. Thankfully, in Saskatchewan, fall is one of the most beautiful seasons with lots for all of us to look forward to, and this year is certainly no exception. So far we have been blessed with unseasonably warm weather that I’m sure we are all…

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Nurses say lack of resources affecting their ability to properly care for patients

Registered nurse Jacki Capper says not being able to provide proper care to patients is an everyday occurrence for workers in her field, and one that takes a heavy emotional toll. “You almost get despondent,” she said. “We came into the profession to help, and when you can’t do that anymore you think, ‘Why am I doing this?'” The phenomenon…

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Nurses' Voice - Federal Election Issue

As you are already aware, Prime Minister Stephen Harper called an election on August 3, signaling one of the longest and most expensive elections in our country’s history.  As nurses and patient advocates, it is our responsibility to speak out when we see the long-term health of the people we care for is at risk With Canada’s aging population and growing families, we need a…

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