
Saskatchewan extends existing COVID public health order to Jan. 29

Saskatchewan is maintaining the status quo with its COVID-19 measures. On Tuesday, the provincial government announced the public health order that took effect Dec. 17 will remain in place until Jan. 29. At that time, it will be reviewed by the province’s chief medical health officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab. The current order was due to expire Friday. Under the current measures: Private…

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Vaccine plan needs faster rollout, better communication, says Sask. nurses’ union

The president of the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) thinks the province’s program to roll out the COVID-19 vaccines needs to be sped up in a significant way. “The quicker we go, the quicker we get our most vulnerable vaccinated, then there is less chance of outbreaks,” Tracy Zambory said. One of the things Zambory thinks could help is if the province were to slow down the…

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Rage, fear, and panic attacks: An ICU nurse gets the vaccine after a rough year

When Andrea Kosloski got called in to get the COVID-19 vaccine, the intensive care nurse had to stop herself from sprinting into the Saskatoon hospital room. "I was so excited. It's just that snippet of hope in a very, very long year," she said.   Kosloski is one of roughly 7,000 people to receive at least one dose of vaccine in Saskatchewan so far, most of…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Postponing Commencement of New Position

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) has been interpreting and applying provision #10 in the temporary Letter of Understanding (LOU) concerning COVID-19, to mean that unless a confirmed start date has been stated at the time the offer of employment is accepted, the commencement of the new position can be postponed…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Labour Pool Redeployment & Volunteering

Over the past couple of weeks, hospitalizations due to COIVD-19 have been increasing and long-term care facilities have seen significant outbreaks.  Since March 2020, SUN…

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