
Rural Sask. ER department closes as health authority shuffles staff as part of COVID-19 response

SASKATOON -- The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) has temporarily closed the emergency department in Preeceville until further notice. The SHA website says the Preeceville and District Health Centre is one of 12 rural area community hospitals that are converting to "alternative level of care " facilities as part of the health authority's COVID-19 surge plan. In early April,…

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Canada must put an end to privately owned long-term care homes: Singh

OTTAWA -- In light of numerous COVID-19 outbreaks at long-term homes across the country, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh says Canada should put an end to privatized facilities and establish a universal framework for seniors care. In an interview on CTV’s Question Period airing Sunday, Singh says the government must look to bring long-term care under the Canada Health Act and make it federally…

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Restrictions for some nurses up north causing confusion: SUN

Saskatchewan's nurses union is raising a red flag about personal protective equipment (PPE) and confusion at two hospitals experiencing outbreaks of COVID-19 in northern Saskatchewan.  In late April, the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) began telling nurses it was looking for staff to travel north and assist with outbreaks in La Loche and Lloydminster. A news release from the SHA…

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Coronavirus: Farmers’ markets, thrift shops now included in Saskatchewan’s reopen plan

The government of Saskatchewan has made a third update to its plan to reopen the economy by including guidelines for additional businesses to operate safely during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Farmers’ markets, which were previously excluded from the plan, can reopen on May 19 when Phase 2 begins. Public and farmers’ markets will be required to enforce physical…

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Saskatchewan will likely see more coronavirus outbreaks in the south: nurses union

The coronavirus outbreaks in northern Saskatchewan are likely not the last the province will see as the pandemic continues, according to the Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN). The union said “isolated outbreaks” don’t mean that rules and restrictions aren’t working. “COVID-19 doesn’t look at a barrier, it’s traveling south,”…

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