
Member Alert: Info for Member Working in Public Health

SUN would like to thank all our members who attended the February 10th special member sessions regarding the changes that the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) is making to the Public Health Care Network. As members are aware, the SHA has recently provided notice of its plan to create new Agencies and departments, and transfer positions to the new Primary Health Care Network…

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Safety Alert: Your Responsibility to Report Workplace Concerns

While the overall responsibility for workplace safety lies with the Employer, it is important to know that all Employees have individual responsibility for their own safety and the safety of their co-workers.    SUN members and all Employees have a responsibility to: report unsafe acts; workplace hazards; and accidents and dangerous occurrences. Your voice and action will…

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Member Alert: National Day of Mourning Grievances Update

We wish to inform our members that after further review with legal counsel of the grievances related to certain Employers not implementing a Day of Mourning and the recent arbitration decision that took place in British Columbia defeating a grievance of a similar nature, the legal opinion we have received is that there is no likelihood of obtaining a positive result within the arbitration process…

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Ticket of Nomination 2023

Click here to view the memo

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Protecting Your Professional Practice: Long-term Care

Long-term care has been overcome with professional practice concerns, staffing deficits, and excessive workload that prevents registered nurses from providing appropriate resident care. Residents deserve the same quality and quantity of healthcare services and care as any other patient within our healthcare system. Registered nurses are obligated to follow regulatory body requirements outlined…

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