
Amendments to the Sask. Employment Act

On November 3, 2022, the Government of Saskatchewan introduced the following amendments to the Saskatchewan Employment Act as Bill No. 91: Clarification of the definition of a worker to include secondary and post-secondary students, as well as volunteers and contractors, so that they are covered by the provisions in Part III of the Act. Requiring all employers to have a violence policy and to…

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SUN Makes Donation to Food Banks of Saskatchewan

The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) is donating to Food Banks of Saskatchewan to help address hunger this holiday season. During the week of December 4, SUN announced a donation of $250,000 to Food Banks of Saskatchewan, which operates in 36 locations across the province. The donation will help address the increasing demand food banks are seeing as Saskatchewan residents struggle with…

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Togetherness this Holiday Season

As we head into the holiday season, I’d like to take a moment to talk about “togetherness”.   As communities, families, individuals – as healthcare workers and essential workers – and as a province – we have faced some incredibly difficult times throughout 2022 – especially in healthcare.   We know folks are hurting. Many struggle to pay the…

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Changes to Disability Income Plan

November 30, 2022 SUN wishes to advise members of two important changes to the Disability Income Plan that are effective immediately. 3sHealth now accepts the Attending Physician Initial Statement forms and ongoing medical from Nurse Practitioners, without restrictions, when applying…

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Telephone Calls at Home While on Standby — Interpretation and Compensation

November 18, 2022 SUN would like to make all members aware that on October 25, 2022, we reached a settlement with the SHA regarding the interpretation and rates of pay for members receiving telephone calls at home while on standby.   The SHA has agreed to the following as it relates to telephone calls at home (Article 7.16) and being brought back to duty when on standby (Article…

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