
Full agenda planned for SUN's 39th Annual Meeting

APRIL 24, 2013, REGINA: The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) opened its 39th Annual Meeting this morning with close to 400 registered nurse delegates and guests in attendance. The three-day event to be held at the Turvey Centre (April 24 & 25, 2013) and Conexus Arts Centre (April 26, 2013) will focus on issues of key professional and political importance to Saskatchewan’s registered…

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CFNU and CNA respond to Fifth Estate Series - Patient plays greater role in The Fifth Estate series than in the health system

No surprises here. The results of CBC’s The Fifth Estate "Rate My Hospital" series echo what the health-care community has been saying for decades. What is now needed but has yet to happen is fundamental change and a collective effort at the system, provider and bedside levels. "Nurses care deeply about the quality of their care and the health and safety of their…

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Nearly 25% of nurses wouldn't recommend their hospital

A nurse's world Where stress is status quo Nearly a quarter of nurses wouldn't recommend the hospital where they work to their family or friends, a survey by CBC News has found. The startling figure comes from an online poll that CBC's flagship investigative show, the fifth estate, distributed to registered nurses across the country as part of Rate My Hospital, a sweeping…

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A Year In Review: SUN's Operational Highlights 2012 - 2013

Our labour, professional practice and work environments are in a state of flux. Now more than ever we need to be looking to the future in everything we do. I am filled with a great sense of pride when I look back on all that SUN has accomplished in the past twelve months to ensure our readiness to adapt in this time of transition. View Report

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REGINA – Representatives of organized labour on the advisory committee appointed by the Minister of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety, the Honourable Don Morgan, are urging the Government of Saskatchewan to place Bill 85 on a much longer legislative track and not to rush passage of the proposed Saskatchewan Employment Act through the spring session of the Legislative Assembly.…

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