
Labour law review poorly done; Workers' health at stake

The sweeping review of 15 pieces of labour legislation by the Government of Saskatchewan raises more questions and concerns than meet the eye. Strong labour legislation is a crucial component to addressing the underlying health of society. Saskatchewan's labour laws have played a pivotal role in the province's economic prosperity and are based upon fair and equitable rights for all…

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SUN responds to Saskatchewan labour law consultation

(Regina) July 31, 2012: The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) submitted its official response to the province’s labour consultation today in Regina. The omnibus review of 15 separate pieces of legislation governing labour laws in the province was announced by the Government of Saskatchewan in May of this year with a July 31, 2012 deadline set for all stakeholder and public input. “A…

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Saskatchewan celebrates Medicare's 50th birthday

Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan residents are not only marking Canada Day on July 1, they are celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of the first public health care program in North America. “It’s an important achievement, particularly since Medicare did not have an easy birth and continues to face challenges as it ages,” says Tom Graham, President of CUPE Saskatchewan, which has…

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Transforming health delivery: Nurse-led care is solution

(Chronicle Herald, Halifax) Our health care system is based on an on-demand model of physicians and hospitals providing acute and episodic care. While this system works well for the vast majority of citizens, it is a poor match for many of those with chronic diseases. As a nurse and an academic, my particular interest is examining how health and social services can work together to…

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Nurses Unions: Premiers and Prime Minister, focus on pulling together for public health care

Ad campaign surrounds the Premiers meeting at the Halifax Marriott Waterfront Hotel Halifax (Thursday July 26, 2012)   Nurses union leaders from across the country have gathered in Halifax this week to magnify a message to the Premiers that governments must pull together for public health care and bring the federal government back to the table in order to improve health care for all…

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