
Working to improve health-care access (Nurse Practitioners)

... NPs are registered nurses who have additional education, knowledge and nursing experience. Working with other health-care providers, they can order tests, prescribe medications and diagnose and manage chronic illness... Read more:

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The changing role of nursing

Everyone's life has been touched by a registered nurse at some point, but many do not understand the full scope of the role nurses play within the health care system. The media and popularized TV shows such as ER and Grey's Anatomy may have created a public image of who registered nurses are, but this picture is far from complete. Read more:…

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SUN, SAHO and Government of Saskatchewan reach a tentative agreement

The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) announced the achievement of a tentative two-year SUN/SAHO collective agreement today. The announcement was made at the 38th SUN Annual Meeting in Moose Jaw. Read More

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(April 26, 2012) The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO) announced the achievement of a tentative two-year SUN/SAHO collective agreement today. The announcement was made at the 38th SUN Annual Meeting in Moose Jaw. Related to the tentative collective agreement is the renewal of a partnership agreement with SUN, the Ministry of…

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CFNU's First Impression of Federal Budget

“It is clear. No jobs for anybody. More nursing grads will leave the country as retirement dreams are pushed back and nurses will have to work even longer,” says Linda Silas, President, Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU). “Sadly, Minister Flaherty prescribes to Canadians less care, more hallway nursing and more bed cuts, eroding any gains made since the deep cuts of…

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