
Public Health Measures Extended to February 19

There were 362 doses of COVID-19 vaccine administered yesterday in Saskatchewan – this brings the total number of vaccines administered in the province to 34,080.  As of January 25, 104 per cent of the doses received have been administered.  This overage is due to efficiencies in drawing extra doses from vials of vaccine received. The doses were administered in the following…

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Safety Alert - Supporting Mask Use & Vaccine Safety

SUPPORTING MASK USE IN YOUR PRACTICE  We know SUN members recognize that all people – patients, families, and frontline workers alike – have shared accountability for creating safe workplaces throughout the health system. This is especially true during a pandemic.   From time to time you may encounter individuals who are…

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Member Alert - COVID-19 Vaccines & Priority Sequencing

Thank you to those who were able to join SUN’s Member Information Session on January 18 regarding the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. For those who were not able to attend, the material we reviewed at those…

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“It’s really a dark time in long-term care”: SUN president

With hundreds of COVID-19 cases diagnosed among residents and staff at Saskatchewan long-term care facilities, allegations of improper safety equipment, poor air quality, and cramped living conditions, Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) president Tracy Zambory says, “It’s really a dark time in long-term care.” The pandemic has opened the curtain on the deplorable conditions…

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Local NAC Chair Virtual Workshop

    REGISTER TODAY - Deadline: 12:00 on February 9…

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