
Call for Nominations - Lifetime Membership

SUN Provincial Life Memberships are presented each year at the SUN Annual Meeting. The Provincial Life Membership Committee invites SUN members to nominate candidates they feel qualify for this award as described in Membership Policy 029-M-2007 (Life and Honourary Memberships and Allied Personnel). The committee will make recommendations to the Board of Directors for approval, based on…

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Call for Nominations - Leadership Awards

The Leadership Award is part of SUN’s Member Recognition Program. This award is to recognize members who have been active participants at the Local or District level in advancing the goals and objectives of the Union. Up to three (3) Leadership Awards will be presented on the first day of the Annual Meeting. This award is not retroactive and serving Board members…

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SAFETY ALERT: Changes to PPE Requirements for AGMPs

With the rapid growth in the presence of COVID-19 in the community, and the growing number of outbreaks within healthcare facilities, the risk of exposure for healthcare workers (HCW) is climbing and some screening mechanisms are no longer adequate. SUN has learned that changes are being made to personal protection equipment guidelines and precautions to reduce the risk of exposure to…

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COVID-19 Workplace Transmission & What to Do

As of November 23, 2020, there are 194 healthcare workers in Saskatchewan who have tested positive for COVID-19.    SUN, and other health care unions, have been asking the Saskatchewan Health Authority and the Government of Saskatchewan to provide details on how many SUN members have tested positive and, of those that have tested positive, how many have contracted COVID-19 in the…

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The Saskatchewan Union of Nurses (SUN) and the Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations (SAHO Inc.) are pleased to announce they have successfully reached a new tentative collective agreement. This agreement marks another milestone for collective agreements achieved by unions which are all now operating within a single provincial health authority, as well as affiliate organizations.…

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