
CFNU: Nurses to premiers: fix the nursing shortage to end the health care crisis

Silas: This is a critical moment in health care, and Canada’s leaders must prioritize fixing the nursing shortage. July 6, 2023 (OTTAWA, ON) – As the Council of the Federation begins critical meetings on the future of Canada’s public health care systems, nurses are looking to the premiers for coordinated action to fix the crisis in nursing and complete the recovery of our…

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Make Your Voice Heard

SUN members have a number of ways to influence issues that are important to them. Speaking with your elected representatives is one of the most effective.   Members of the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly (MLAs) are getting ready for an election year. Throughout the summer, your MLA will be out in communities across the province and eager to speak with you: their constituent. Elected members…

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SUN Offices Closed on Friday, June 30

SUN Offices in Regina and Saskatoon are closed on Friday, June 30 for the Canada Day statutory holiday. SUN Offices resume regular business hours on Monday, July 3 at 08:00. 

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Professional Practice Alert: Regulatory Lifelong Learning Update

All registered nurses in Saskatchewan are required to participate in their professional regulatory bodies’ continuing competence program to continue practicing as registered nurses.  The programs are: Continuing Competence Program (CRNS) Career-long Learning Program (RPNAS) The CRNS and RPNAS have implemented revised programs that SUN Members must complete during the year for…

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Temporary Changes Made to Nurse Practice Officer Assignments

Due to recent departures in Nurse Practice Officer (NPO) staff, and to ensure continuity of support for nursing practice, effective June 16. 2023, the following additions have been made to SUN’s NPO assignments on an interim basis. The temporary additions to NPO assignments are listed below; all other assignments remain the same. Erika Vogel Former Five Hills Health Region Former…

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