
How a lab in Sask. that focuses on animals became Canada's $23M hope for a COVID-19 vaccine

In the global race to find a COVID-19 vaccine, the federal government announced Monday it is pumping $23 million into an academic research lab in Saskatchewan.  The Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization - International Vaccine Centre (VIDO-InterVac) at the University of Saskatchewan started as a modest veterinary lab in 1975. But it has evolved into a world class facility that…

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MPs pass legislation for COVID-19 supports after opposition limits government's powers

The House of Commons has passed emergency legislation to free up $82 billion to help Canadians weather the COVID-19 crisis, but its approval came after a late night of wrangling to limit the Liberal government's ability to spend more money without Parliamentary approval. Following a day of tense negotiations, MPs began debating the bill in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, and a vote…

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Sask. nurses association to grant emergency licenses amid COVID-19 fight

The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (SRNA) has put out the call for non-practicing or retired registered nurses, graduate nurses who are eligible to write their nursing exam, or nurses eligible to practice in other Canadian jurisdictions.  "Licensure of eligible registered nurses will be expedited during the COVID-19 global pandemic," the SRNA says on its website.…

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Coronavirus: New texting initiative gives Albertans mental health support

Albertans who feel they need a little extra mental health support as they face the COVID-19 pandemic have a new outlet to seek out advice. Alberta Health Services, in partnership with hospitals and other health organizations, launched the Text4Hope program on Monday, a service where residents can text COVID19HOPE to the number 393939 and receive daily messages focused on healthy…

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UPDATED: SUN Receives Additional Information on Self-Isolation Exemption

UPDATE: As of March 22, the Saskatchewan Health Authority has updated its policy to be in line with the Government of Saskatchewan's self-isolation policy. Like other Saskatchewan residents, all SHA employees, physicians, students and volunteers are required to self-isolate for 14 days following international travel. The policy outlines the dates employees can return to work after travel.…

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