
Minister says province needs to 'do better' on HIV

The number of new HIV cases in Saskatchewan grew last year despite record funding to slow the spread of the disease. Preliminary data from the ministry of health reports 199 new cases of HIV in 2019, an 18 per cent increase from the prior year. Saskatchewan’s transmission rate is roughly double the national average — and the highest among provinces — despite years of…

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CFNU Position Statement on Coronavirus

[Feb. 19, 2020] It is the position of the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions that in the event of an outbreak of any new virus, all nurses and frontline health care workers at risk (based on an organizational infectious disease risk assessment) with the potential for exposure, and/or who are caring for a suspected or confirmed 2019 novel coronavirus patient, be protected using a fit-tested…

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Nurses prepare for major governance change

Saskatchewan’s registered nurses are preparing for a major governance change as the provincial regulatory association prepares to step away from its role as an advocate. The Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association (SRNA) Council has voted unanimously for the organization to focus solely on its role as a regulatory and disciplinary body, meaning it will gradually lose its mandate as an…

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SUN Provincial to fund 50 members to attend 2020 CLC Convention

SUN Provincial is pleased to announce that 50 SUN members will receive Provincial funding to attend the Canadian Labour Congress Convention. Originally we announced that 12 members would receive Provincial funding.  Our national president, Linda Silas, has announced her intention to run for President of the Canadian Labour Congress. She’s asked all member…

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Nursing homes grapple with sicker residents, insufficient budgets

Saskatchewan’s ‘silver wave’ is crushing its nursing homes, whose operators say funding from government is unequally distributed and insufficient to meet the needs of the province’s seniors. Operators of long-term care homes say the dollars they get from government haven’t kept pace with the growing medical needs of their residents, which are becoming more complex…

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