
Reductions in federal health care spending worse than anticipated: New economic analysis

(St. John’s) – A new report by the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU), released at the Council of the Federation, revealed that reductions in federal health transfers may be greater than first feared, leading to a greater strain on provinces already struggling to sustain Canada’s public health care system.   “From its inception, health care was intended…

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Letter to the Editor: Ontario needs more RNs, not fewer

It is extremely distressing to hear that Sudbury Health Sciences North (HSN) has eliminated about 40 full-time and part-time registered nurse (RN) positions since January 2015.  Once again, RNs are made to bear the brunt of poor fiscal planning and budget restraints. The reduction of these positions, resulting in the elimination of approximately 63,000 hours of direct nursing care,…

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Sask. government, doctors agree on tentative contract

[Global News] REGINA – The Saskatchewan government and the Saskatchewan Medical Association (SMA) have reached a tentative deal on a new four-year-contract. The SMA is recommending acceptance of the contract. “We believe we have reached a reasonable agreement for Saskatchewan’s physicians,” said SMA president Dr. Mark Brown.  “This agreement will keep us…

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Nurses' poll challenges governments to take action on seniors' care

July 9, 2015 (Ottawa) – Poll results released by the Canadian Federation of Nurses Unions (CFNU) challenge federal and provincial/territorial leadership to tackle the issue of seniors’ care. Before It’s Too Late: A National Plan for Safe Seniors’ Care, CFNU’s safe seniors’ care strategy, addresses Canadians’ concerns. The poll by Abacus…

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SUN continues commitment to building healthy communities with $50,000 donation

On July 7, 2015, SUN board member, Leslie Saunders RPN, made a very special trip to Estevan to present two deserving community organizations with our annual Community Support donation.   The Warm Welcome Centre and the Estevan Family Resource Centre both received $25,000 as part of SUN's ongoing commitment to building healthy communities. Warm Welcome grateful for SUN's…

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