
No mandatory masks or reduced class sizes planned when Sask. students return to schools in Sept.

Saskatchewan will send its K-12 students back to school next month without requiring them or their teachers to wear masks and without a plan to reduce class sizes, although the Ministry of Education says it's planning to buy masks in case the COVID-19 situation worsens.  In a hotly-anticipated update Tuesday, the ministry highlighted eight priorities it says are captured in the…

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Mental disorders affect more than half of COVID-19 survivors: study

TORONTO -- An alarming new study suggests that the majority of people who recover from COVID-19 suffer from at least one mental disorder a month after treatment, raising serious concerns about lingering psychological effects of the virus. The research, published online last week in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, screened 402 adult survivors of COVID-19 and found that 55 per…

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National COVID-19 exposure notification app now available to download

OTTAWA -- The federal government-backed exposure notification smartphone app has launched, marking the beginning of a new frontier in the coronavirus fight: alerting participating Canadians when they come in proximity to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. The app—called COVID Alert— will compile anonymized data and use reports from confirmed positive COVID-19 cases to…

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Sask. expands COVID-19 wage supplement program for integrated care facility workers

The provincial government is allowing more people to apply for a program designed to help employees working with vulnerable people during COVID-19. At the start of the pandemic, the province announced a $400 per month wage top-up for workers in seniors' facilities, licensed daycares and shelters. Originally, the program would only provide the money if workers earned less than $2,500 per…

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Sask. vaccine developer locks in Canadian manufacturers for human clinical trials

The University of Saskatchewan's VIDO-InterVac has contracted two Canadian pharmaceutical companies to manufacture ingredients for its potential COVID-19 vaccine to be used in the first stages of human clinical trials.  Toronto-based Dalton Pharma Services announced in a news release Tuesday it will be making parts of the vaccine being developed by the Vaccine and…

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