
197 Sask. doctors sign open letter asking businesses to do more to stop coronavirus spread

"Please, we beg you, join us in battling this disease."  Almost 200 doctors have signed an open letter to Saskatchewan businesses calling on them to stop all person-to-person interactions.  The provincial government declared a state of emergency on Wednesday due to the coronavirus pandemic. It came after the number of COVID-19 cases in the province doubled from eight to 16…

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COVID-19 in Sask: Province declares state of emergency after number of cases doubles

The Saskatchewan government has declared a state of emergency after reporting that eight new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus were found in the province. That brings the total number of cases to 16. The province has laid down strict new rules, including a ban on public gatherings of more than 50 people. Restaurants and bars must keep half of their seats empty or cap the number of…

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Maintaining mental health and mindfulness during the COVID-19 pandemic

Calls for social-distancing and isolation are growing in Saskatchewan, with the province declaring a state of emergency after COVID-19 cases in the province doubled in one day. The ever-evolving conditions of the pandemic are naturally affecting people's mental health.  Gordon Asmundson, a psychology professor at the University of Regina who is researching the…

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SUN Staff Working Remotely to Support Members

SUN and our office staff are dedicated to supporting members in their critically important work caring for the people of this province. Given these unprecedented times, and in light of advice from the Chief Medical Officer of Canada to limit public interaction in an effort to "flatten the growth curve" of COVID-19, SUN staff will continue to provide this support while working…

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Canada-U.S. border closing, $82B in direct aid and stimulus coming: Trudeau

OTTAWA -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced that the Canada- U.S. border will close to all non-essential travel, and that the federal government is prepared to spend a combined $82 billion on direct financial help and economic stimulus in response to the COVID-19 crisis. Among the “extraordinary” aid measures unveiled: deferring the tax deadline, boosting the Canada…

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