
A Time for Fear: How Canada failed our health care workers and mismanaged COVID‑19

(OTTAWA, ON) – An investigation into Canada’s management of COVID-19 and the safety of the nation’s health care workers has been released. The investigation’s report, A Time of Fear, details Canada’s systemic preventable failure to adequately prepare and urgently respond to the gravest public health emergency in a century. An independent investigation…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - SHA Effective Staffing Strategy Committee Approves New Temporary Positions

SHA Effective Staffing Strategy Committee Approves New Temporary Positions …

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Covid-19 Member Alert - SHA Limited In Ability To Mandate Members To Work

SHA Limited In Ability To Mandate Members To Work …

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Nearly all Saskatchewan school divisions to require masks without being forced

Nearly all Saskatchewan school divisions will require masks this fall, despite the provincial government refusing to bring in a mandate. The government left boards to decide whether to make masks mandatory in schools, unlike Ontario, Nova Scotia, Quebec and Alberta, which made them a rule in certain settings. Most recently, Manitoba switched from strongly recommending to mandating mask use for…

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What a Saskatchewan winter could mean for the fight against COVID-19

Dr. Nazeem Muhajarine knows Saskatchewan summers should be savoured. This year, that’s not just because of the welcome break from the cold. The University of Saskatchewan epidemiologist said fall won’t just bring snow and falling temperatures, but new challenges for the fight against COVID-19. “I don’t think we are going to have Christmas concerts the way that we used…

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