
Member Alert - COVID-19 Vaccines & Priority Sequencing

Thank you to those who were able to join SUN’s Member Information Session on January 18 regarding the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. For those who were not able to attend, the material we reviewed at those…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Postponing Commencement of New Position

The Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) has been interpreting and applying provision #10 in the temporary Letter of Understanding (LOU) concerning COVID-19, to mean that unless a confirmed start date has been stated at the time the offer of employment is accepted, the commencement of the new position can be postponed…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Labour Pool Redeployment & Volunteering

Over the past couple of weeks, hospitalizations due to COIVD-19 have been increasing and long-term care facilities have seen significant outbreaks.  Since March 2020, SUN…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Safety Starts With Proper PPE Use

As the number of COIVD-19 cases in the community and hospitalizations increase, so does the number of healthcare workers who have tested positive for the virus. The day-to-day environment in healthcare is fast-paced and at times chaotic - during a pandemic that pace, chaos, stress and strain on the healthcare team…

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Covid-19 Member Alert - Redeployment & Health Services Slow Down: FAQs, Resources & More

As the number of COVID cases here in Saskatchewan continue to climb at a worrisome rate, the already strained healthcare system is feeling the pressure. The latest modelling numbers are projecting a worst-case scenario of over 8,000 cases reported per day. In response to the growing number of COVID cases in the province, on December 3, the Saskatchewan Health…

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