
SHA Limited In Ability To Mandate Members To Work

SUN Provincial is aware that SUN members in some workplaces are being mandated by the Employer to work as a result of staffing shortages. As was communicated in September 2020, members are reminded that the SUN/SAHO Collective Agreement does not allow the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) to mandate a SUN member to work, except in…

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Member Alert - Resolving Negative Stat Bank Balances

In 2019 the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) completed a review of SUN members stat banks and discovered that in some former Regional Health Authorities (RHAs) there had been insufficient checks and balances in place, for a number of years, and some SUN members had not worked the required 8-hour shift per year when no stat holiday feel on that 8-hour shift. …

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Member Alert - Empowering Your Professional Practice

Legislation, standards, competencies, codes of ethics, and scopes of practice are not the same across healthcare providers.  We are not interchangeable.  It is not acceptable for other providers to take on registered nurse roles, responsibilities, and requirements without authority.  Members and employers have joint obligations to uphold…

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Member Alert - WSRs: Protecting Your Professional Practice

We know that the professional practice environment may not always support safe, competent, ethical, and quality care.  You may not be able to meet your professional responsibilities and accountabilities. You have invested time, effort, and financial resources to become a registered…

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Member Alert - Crocus Plains Villa Outbreak: Potential Call for Volunteers

Long-term care facilities across the province continue to see significant outbreaks of COVID-19 among their staff and residents. The latest outbreak was declared on January 25, 2021, at Crocus Plains Villa, a personal care home in…

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