
SUN Donates to Support Healthcare in Ukraine

On March 9, 2022, your Saskatchewan Union of Nurses Board of Directors made the decision to stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, and the registered nurses and healthcare workers impacted by the ongoing conflict.  SUN is proud to donate $250,000 to this cause, supporting the ICN Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine Relief as they work tirelessly to provide care through this…

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No Confirmatory PCR Tests for Healthcare Workers; PCR Test Needed for WCB Claims

SUMMARY: Confirmatory PCR testing is now no longer available to healthcare workers, but WCB requires PCR tests for considering claims. Employees who contract COVID-19 at work and have to miss work or need medical care should…

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UPDATE RE: SUN Policy Grievance SHA Proof of Vaccine Policy Directive

On February 11, 2022, the SHA advised that “As of February 14, the Proof of Full COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Directive for SHA team members will be discontinued.”    SUN has asked a number of questions of the SHA and will consider how the SHA response, once received, affects the policy grievance which continues to…

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Saskatchewan remains in the Omicron wave of COVID-19, and very recently, saw record hospitalizations. The healthcare system remains under immense strain, impacting patient access and care across the system.  Due to the highly contagious nature of Omicron, many healthcare providers are becoming ill and are unable to work. When 17-18 per cent…

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CFNU: Leaders must work together to solve Canada's nursing crisis

Without nurses, we don’t have a health care system at all. As Canada’s premiers gather virtually today to talk about health care, Canada’s nurses have a clear message for them: our public health systems are in crisis. At the heart of this crisis is a dire shortage of nurses and other health care professionals. Nurses are burning out in record numbers. Those left behind work…

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