
Contact January – June 2021

Board Decisions: Jan 19 – 20, 2021 The Board of Directors approved a motion to fund 75 members to the Virtual CFNU Biennium in June. The Board of Directors approved a motion to fund 75 members to the Virtual CLC Convention in June. The Board of Directors approved a motion for an evening Virtual Variety social event during the SUN Annual Meeting. The Board of Directors approved the…

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A summer for rest and rejuvenation

Summer is well underway and with the sunshine and warmth comes a new feeling of hope – a light at the end of the very long, seemingly never-ending, COVID-19 pandemic tunnel. The past 16 months have been  incredibly difficult for all frontline healthcare workers, but in particular, all of you, Saskatchewan’s more than 10,000 Registered Nurses, Registered Psychiatric Nurses, and…

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National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – September 30

On June 3, 2021, the Federal Government created a new Statutory Holiday, namely, National Day for Truth & Reconciliation. This is in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s call to action number 80.  September 30 has been declared as the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation. Recently, SUN has…

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2021 Virtual Annual Meeting Schedule Adjusted to Recognize National Day for Truth & Reconciliation – September 30

On June 3, 2021, the Federal Government created a new Statutory Holiday in response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Call to Action #80. September 30 has been declared as the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation, and as such, the SUN Board of Directors has made the decision to cancel SUN’s meeting on September 30 and adjust the…

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SUN Members at Canadian Blood Services Vote 100% In Favour of New Contract

On behalf of the SUN Board of Directors, SUN is pleased to announce members have ratified the tentative agreement between SUN and Canadian Blood Services (CBS) in Regina  and Saskatoon SUN members have voted 100% in…

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