
Changes to Disability Income Plan

November 30, 2022 SUN wishes to advise members of two important changes to the Disability Income Plan that are effective immediately. 3sHealth now accepts the Attending Physician Initial Statement forms and ongoing medical from Nurse Practitioners, without restrictions, when applying…

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Telephone Calls at Home While on Standby — Interpretation and Compensation

November 18, 2022 SUN would like to make all members aware that on October 25, 2022, we reached a settlement with the SHA regarding the interpretation and rates of pay for members receiving telephone calls at home while on standby.   The SHA has agreed to the following as it relates to telephone calls at home (Article 7.16) and being brought back to duty when on standby (Article…

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SETTLEMENT ACHIEVED: SUN Policy Grievance: SHA Proof of Vaccine Policy Directive

September 20, 2022 SUN is extremely pleased to advise that we have been successful in reaching a settlement with the SHA regarding the grievance filed related to the SHA Proof of Vaccine Policy Directive.   The negotiated settlement includes the following key points: Any discipline imposed by the Employer in relation to the Policy Directive will be removed and retracted from…

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National Day of Mourning: September 19, 2022

Recently, SUN has communicated with Employers to advise that it is SUN's position that as per the terms and conditions of the SUN/SAHO Collective Agreement, All Nations Healing Hospital Collective Agreement, Extendicare Canada Inc. Collective Agreement, and the Canadian Blood Services Collective Agreement, this new federally-proclaimed holiday would be considered a Statutory Holiday with pay…

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SUN Files Policy Grievance Regarding the Cancelling of Casual Shifts

It has come to our attention that some members who have accepted OTFT-CAS shifts have then been contacted by the Employer and required to change their shift as per Article 7.03 (e).  The OTFT-CAS member is being paid premium pay of double time (2X) for all shift(s) changed.    SUN's position is that OTFT-CAS shifts are scheduled as per Article 37.04 and those OTFT-CAS shifts,…

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