
Make Your Voice Heard

Throughout the summer, your Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) will be out in communities across the province and eager to speak with you: their constituents. Elected members of government and the official opposition use the summer months to connect with the people that they represent, which involves not only spending more time in their constituency offices but also attending a variety of…

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AIMS Update: What's Changed? Vacation Bank Payout UPDATE

On Friday, June 17, 2022, SUN communicated that the Saskatchewan Health Authority had conducted a review of all vacation balances and will be paying out unused vacation credits accrued prior to April 1, 2018. SUN wishes to provide members with additional details related to the vacation bank payout.  SUN would like to clarify that we have been advised that fewer than 100 SUN…

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AIMS Update: What's Changed? Vacation Bank

The Saskatchewan Health Authority has conducted a review of all vacation balances and will be paying out unused vacation credits accrued prior to April 1, 2018.  All vacation credits accrued prior to April 1, 2018, will be paid out at your current rate of pay on August 5, 2022.  Please make note of your vacation credits used up to and including July 30, 2022, will reduce the vacation…

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Professional Practice Alert: Making Sense of Staffing and Workload

Staffing and workload concerns represent the largest volume of concerns impacting professional practice and preventing registered nurses’ ability to provide safe, competent, ethical, appropriate, and high-quality patient care.  The foundation of staffing and workload concerns is rooted in the inability to provide patient care aligned with legislative, regulatory, professional, and…

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Staffing Changes at SUN

It is our pleasure to welcome Dean Job as SUN's Director of Labour Relations. Dean joined SUN on May 24, 2022, and brings extensive senior leadership experience in union administration and labour relations. Dean has led organizations in both New Brunswick and Saskatchewan, most recently as the Executive Director of the Health Sciences Association of Saskatchewan (HSAS). He…

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